Emily Linder's Fundraiser

We can buy the next round of CAT CONDOS for the HSoMC!
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
Join me in supporting animal welfare at the Humane Society of Midland County. Let’s support our furry feline friends and make a difference with new CAT CONDOS. Help us provide the cats with the best temporary housing they deserve for at the Humane Society of Midland County!
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for the Humane Society of Midland County.
I've been a volunteer and a foster with HSoMC for a while now, they are one of the most caring, loving, and giving shelters I have come across. They do everything they can not only for their animals, but for the surrounding communities. They've taken in a countless amount of animals from other MI shelters to help these sweet babies get out of a kennel and onto a comfy couch. Giving even $1 helps get us to our goal! Please share and consider donating.